lang_1025 لغة عربية lang_1031 Deutsch lang_1033 English lang_1034 Español (España) lang_1036 Française lang_1043 Nederlands lang_1046 Português (Brasil) lang_1041 日本語 lang_1042 한국어 lang_1049 русский lang_2052 中文(简体) lang_1028 中文(繁體) lang_1029 Český lang_1030 Dansk lang_1035 Suomi lang_1038 Magyar lang_1040 Italiano lang_1045 Polski lang_1054 ภาษาไทย lang_1057 Indonesia lang_1066 Việt lang_1081 हिंदी lang_1086 Melayu lang_1037 עברית lang_2074 Srpski lang_1055 Türkçe lang_1026 Български lang_1087 Қазақ lang_1051 Slovenčina MANAGER Manager MANAGER_FULL SAP Enable Now Manager IPRODUCER Instant Producer SUITE SAP Enable Now TRAINER Trainer LIBRARY Library BOOKREADER Book Reader NAVIGATOR SAP Companion PRODUCER Producer IREC Instant Recorder XRAY SAP Companion EXTENSION SAP Enable Now, browser application recorder uid UID path Path wa Workarea type Task Type task_type @{type} caption Title source_type Type source_type_file File source_type_url URL error_invalid_url Invalid URL. ss_build build ss_pwd_sec_length Minimum password length of ss_pwd_sec_number Password must contain number ss_pwd_sec_special_char Password must contain special character ss_pwd_sec_u_and_l_case Password must contain lower and upper case letters ss_pwd_sec_max_length Maximum Password Length of ss_entity_comment_mail Email Address for Learner Feedback enable_generative_ai_wa Enable Generative AI WebAssistant @{XRAY} c_pwd_error_title Password error filter_all All filter_completed Completed filter_passed Passed filter_not_completed Not Completed filter_not_passed Not Passed filter_not_completed_passed Not Completed / Not Passed filter_global All Content filter_assigned My Assigned Content filter_selected Selected Task lang_1025_ Arabic (Saudi Arabia) lang_1031_ German lang_1033_ English lang_1034_ Spanish lang_1036_ French lang_1043_ Dutch lang_1046_ Portuguese (Brazil) lang_1041_ Japanese lang_1042_ Korean lang_1049_ Russian lang_2052_ Chinese (Simplified) lang_1028_ Chinese (Traditional) lang_1029_ Czech lang_1030_ Danish lang_1035_ Finnish lang_1038_ Hungarian lang_1040_ Italian lang_1045_ Polish lang_1054_ Thai lang_1057_ Indonesian lang_1066_ Vietnamese lang_1081_ Hindi lang_1086_ Malay lang_1037_ Hebrew lang_2074_ Serbian lang_1055_ Turkish lang_1026_ Bulgarian lang_1087_ Kazakh lang_1051_ Slovak date_month_0 January date_month_1 February date_month_2 March date_month_3 April date_month_4 May date_month_5 June date_month_6 July date_month_7 August date_month_8 September date_month_9 October date_month_10 November date_month_11 December date_wd_0 Sunday date_wd_1 Monday date_wd_2 Tuesday date_wd_3 Wednesday date_wd_4 Thursday date_wd_5 Friday date_wd_6 Saturday Workflow Workflow Workflows Workflows Transitions Transitions Transition Transition Broadcast Messages CopyOf Copy Of CloneOf Duplicate Of cloneOf Duplicate Of Destination Destination perm_workarea_reports_view Editing Report: View perm_author_report Status Report: Edit perm_author_report_view Status Report: View perm_broadcast_message @{Broadcast}: Create and Send perm_workflow_delete @{Workflow}: Delete perm_workflow_create @{Workflow}: Create perm_workflow_edit @{Workflow}: Edit perm_workflow_view @{Workflow}: View perm_schedulerjob_edit Scheduler: Edit Jobs perm_schedulerjob_view Scheduler: View Jobs perm_self_settings_edit User Profile: Edit perm_self_settings_view User Profile: View perm_content_create Content: Create perm_learner Views: Learner View perm_super_admin Super Admin perm_workarea_manager Workarea Manager perm_reports_view Views: Reports perm_restore_token Content: Cancel Editing perm_user_login_name_edit User Profile: Edit Login Name perm_workarea_perm_edit Workareas: Edit Workarea Permissions perm_workarea_edit Workareas: Edit perm_workarea_delete Workareas: Delete perm_workarea_deactivate Workareas: (De)Activate perm_workarea_create Workareas: Create perm_version_view View Versions perm_version_commit Commit Versions perm_userlist_view User List: View perm_user_view Users: View perm_user_edit Users: Edit perm_user_delete Users: Delete perm_user_deactivate Users: (De)Activate perm_user_create Users: Create perm_type_view Task Types: View perm_type_edit Task Types: Edit perm_type_delete Task Types: Delete perm_type_create Task Types: Create perm_trashresource_delete Resources: Delete from Trash perm_trashcontent_delete Content: Delete from Trash perm_task_view Tasks: View perm_task_edit Tasks: Edit perm_task_delete Tasks: Delete perm_task_create Tasks: Create perm_task_workflow_change Content: Change Workflow perm_tag_set Tags: Set perm_tag_published_set Publish perm_tag_content_published_set Content: Publish perm_tag_resource_published_set Resources: Publish perm_tag_edit Tags: Edit perm_tag_delete Tags: Delete perm_tag_create Tags: Create perm_status_view Status: View perm_status_edit Status: Edit perm_status_delete Status: Delete perm_status_create Status: Create perm_server_settings_edit Server: Edit Server Settings perm_resource_workflow_edit Workflows: Edit Resource Workflows perm_resource_view Resources: View perm_resource_edit Resources: Edit perm_resource_delete Resources: Delete perm_resource_comment_edit Resources: Comment perm_priority_view Task Priorities: View perm_priority_edit Task Priorities: Edit perm_priority_delete Task Priorities: Delete perm_priority_create Task Priorities: Create perm_permission_view Permissions: View perm_permission_edit Permissions: Edit perm_ou_view Organizational Units: View perm_ou_edit Organizational Units: Edit perm_ou_delete Organizational Units: Delete perm_ou_create Organizational Units: Create perm_milestone_view Milestones: View perm_milestone_edit Milestones: Edit perm_milestone_delete Milestones: Delete perm_milestone_create Milestones: Create perm_scriptsnippets_view @{XRAY} Script Snippets: View perm_scriptsnippets_edit @{XRAY} Script Snippets: Edit perm_scriptconfiguration_view @{XRAY} Configuration: View perm_scriptconfiguration_edit @{XRAY} Configuration: Edit perm_is_author Views: Authoring View perm_group_view User Roles: View perm_group_edit User Roles: Edit perm_group_delete User Roles: Delete perm_group_deactivate User Roles: (De)Activate perm_group_create User Roles: Create perm_content_workflow_edit Workflows: Edit Content Workflows perm_content_view Content: View perm_content_edit Content: Edit perm_content_delete Content: Delete perm_content_comment_edit Content: Comment perm_assign_content_view Course Assignments: View perm_assign_content_edit Course Assignments: Edit perm_upload_active_content Content: Upload Active Content perm_wa_view_published View Published Content perm_wa_view View All Content perm_wa_edit Create, Edit, and Delete Content perm_wa_delete Delete Workarea perm_wa_administrate Administrate Workarea perm_statistics_view Server Statistics: View perm_housekeeping_edit Server: Edit Housekeeping perm_housekeeping_view Server: Display Housekeeping perm_server_import_edit Server: User Import perm_user_details_delete User: Delete Details perm_user_details_view User: View Details perm_tracking_event_inject Test Data Creation: Generate Session ID perm_mlt_enabled User: Allow Machine Translation perm_audience_assignment Audience Assignment perm_genai_enabled User: Allow AI Support perm_contexts_view Views: Contexts adminStatisticsHeader Server Statistics editWorkflowDialogHeader Edit @{Workflow} newWorkflowDialogHeader New @{Workflow} copyWorkflowDialogHeader @{CopyOf} @{Workflow} cloneWorkflowDialogHeader @{CloneOf} @{Workflow} newWorkflowTransitionDialogHeader New @{Transition} editWorkflowTransitionDialogHeader Edit @{Transition} reportDeleteDialogHeader Delete Report saveReportDialogHeader Save Report schedulerDialogHeader Scheduler schedulerHeader Report Scheduler htmlEditorHeader Edit Text insertLinkDialogHeader Insert Link selectImageDialogHeader Select Image fileUploadDialogHeader Upload File waPermissionDialogHeader Manage Access rolePermissionDialogHeader Manage Access assignmentEditorHeader Course Assignments courseAssignmentHeader Course Assignments identityDialogHeader Identity Selection businessRolesDialogHeader Select Business Roles entityDialogHeader Object Selection courseAssignmentDialogHeader Edit Assigned Content deleteUser Delete User selectUserToDelete %d users are selected. Do you really want to delete all users? This action cannot be undone. ReplaceAssignment Change Course Assignments To AddUserToGroupHeader Add User Roles WaHeader Workarea tableWidgetMenuHeader Select columns mainSettingsHeader Settings adminRegistrationCodesHeader Registration Codes homeDashboard Home Dashboard mainWorkareaHeader Workareas mainAdminHeader Administration mainTaskHeader Tasks mainLibraryHeader @{LIBRARY} adminUserHeader Users adminGroupHeader User Roles adminStatusHeader Status adminWorkflowHeader @{Workflows} adminWorkflowTransitionsHeader @{Workflow} @{Transitions} adminBroadcastHeader @{Broadcast} adminTypeHeader Task Types adminPriorityHeader Task Priorities adminMilestoneHeader Milestones adminIdentityHeader Permissions adminReporterHeader Reports adminWaHeader Workareas and Tags adminOuHeader Organizational Units adminServerSettingsHeader Server Settings adminTrustedScriptHeader Trusted Scripts adminScriptSnippets @{XRAY} Script Snippets adminWaConfiguration @{XRAY} Configuration adminWaIntegration @{XRAY} Integration adminBusinessRoles @{labelBusinessRoles} GUaddDialogHeader Add User Roles and Users OGUaddDialogHeader Add Organizational Units, User Roles and Users userEditDialogHeader Edit User statusEditDialogHeader Edit Status typeEditDialogHeader Edit Task Type priorityEditDialogHeader Edit Task Priority milestoneEditDialogHeader Edit Milestone statusEditDialogHeader_create Create Status typeEditDialogHeader_create Create Task Type priorityEditDialogHeader_create Create Task Priority milestoneEditDialogHeader_create Create Milestone ouEditDialogHeader Edit Organizational Unit groupEditDialogHeader Edit User Role learnerCoursesHeader Learner View workareaEditDialogHeader Edit Workarea ServerInstallPage Server Installation ServerImport User Import ServerLicenseManager Server License Manager ServerSSO Server SSO Configuration ServerLogin Server Login actionReplaceMedia Replace actionReplaceAsset Replace File actionReschedule Reschedule actionDelete Delete actionActivate Activate actionDeactivate Deactivate actionEdit Edit actionLibrary @{LIBRARY} actionShow Show actionAdvanced Advanced actionSimple Simple actionSearchGlobal Global actionSearchAssigned All Courses actionSearchFulltext Full-Text actionClear Clear actionShowAll Show All actionReduce Reduce actionChange Change actionTreeView Tree View actionLearnerCertificate Certificate actionBroadcast Message actionWebBasedRecording Record action_wbr_selected Selected Simulation action_wbr_new New Content buttonImportXML... Import XML buttonUnsubscribe Unsubscribe buttonSubscribe... Subscribe buttonUnschedule Unschedule buttonSchedule... Schedule buttonDelete... Delete buttonSave... Save buttonStart... Start buttonClose Close buttonRemFromGroup Remove User Roles buttonAddToGroup Add User Roles buttonOpenInLibrary... Open in @{LIBRARY} buttonEdit Edit buttonEdit... Edit buttonCreateAssignment Create Assignment buttonEditAssignment Edit Assignment buttonOK OK buttonSave Save buttonSaveAndReturn Save and Finish Editing buttonSaveAsNewAssignment Save as new course buttonPreview Preview buttonCancel Cancel buttonEmpty Empty buttonShowStreams Show Streams buttonHideStreams Hide Streams buttonResWT Currently Edited By: buttonGetWT Start Editing buttonRetWT Finish Editing buttonRestoreWT Cancel Editing buttonRemove Remove buttonCreateComment New Comment buttonAdd Add buttonAdd... Add buttonAddMore Add More buttonMoveToOu... Move to OU buttonDelete Delete buttonShowProgress Show Progress buttonShowAssignments Show Course Assignments buttonAddTag Add Tag buttonFilter Filter buttonReload Reload buttonRefresh Refresh buttonShowLessons Show Lessons buttonYes Yes buttonNo No buttonSearch Search buttonNew... New buttonChange Change buttonChange... Change buttonActivate Activate buttonDeactivate Deactivate buttonRegister Register buttonSelect Select buttonExportCSV CSV Export buttonExportXLS XLS Export buttonExportXML Export all as XML buttonCheckAvailability Check Availability. buttonReset Reset buttonSend Send buttonBroadcast... @{Broadcast} buttonBack Back buttonEnd End buttonGo... Go buttonStart Start buttonFetchData Fetch Data buttonChangePassword... Change Password buttonSettings Open User Settings buttonOpenStore Open Store TileRoleDesc Tile collTreeWorkarea Workarea collTreeResources Resources collTreeOrphans Unsorted collTreeOrphansMy My Unsorted Objects collTreeTrash Trash entity.rtprofile Playback Application Profiles entity.cdoc Text Unit entity.wa Workarea entity.res Resources entity.adaptable Adaptable Resources entity.doc_settings Documentation Settings entity.bubble Bubble Styles entity.book_style Book Styles entity.glossary Playback Dictionaries Help entity.library @{LIBRARY} styles entity.macroset Macrosets entity.mouse Mouse pointers entity.panel @{TRAINER} panels entity.popup Popup styles entity.quiz_style Quiz style entity.recognize Application Profiles entity.record_glossary Recording Dictionaries entity.script Scripts Configurations entity.task_style Task window styles entity.trainer @{TRAINER} entity.wa_filters Filters entity.deployments Publishing Rules Group entity.project Project entity.tour Lesson entity.docu Document entity.doc Document Book entity.slide Book Page Audio Video entity.img Image entity.orphans Unsorted entity.orphans_my My Unsorted Objects entity.trash Trash entity.da @{NAVIGATOR} Object collPropTBAssetReplace Replace File collPropTBLibrary @{LIBRARY} collPropTBPlay Play collPropTBOpen Open collPropTBEdit Edit collPropTBRecord Record collPropTBShow Show collPropTBDelete Delete collPropTBEmptyTrash Empty Trash collPropTBDeleteFinally Delete Finally collPropTBActivate Activate collPropTBRestore Restore collPropTBEntityCreate New collPropTBDelete... Delete collPropTBDeleteRecursive Delete Tree collPropTBMore... More collPropTBAcquireWTRecursive Start Editing All Objects collPropTBReturnWTRecursive Finish Editing All Objects collPropTBRestoreWTRecursive Cancel Editing of All Objects collPropTBPublishRecursive Publish All Objects collPropTBUnpublishRecursive Unpublish All Objects collPropTBSelectWorkflow... Select Workflow collPropTBDownloadDNT @{NAVIGATOR} collPropTBBookDownloadDNT Context Play collPropTBQr QR Code collPropTB_EC_group Group collPropTB_EC_project Project collPropTB_EC_book Book collPropTB_EC_slide Book Page collPropTB_EC_cdoc Text Unit collPropTB_EC_enterName Name collPropTB_EC_asset Upload File collPropTBSyncCalm Synchronize collPropTBCalmGetUpdates Get Updates collPropTBCalmSendChanges Send Changes dialogRecordSelectTitle What would you like to record? dialogRecordSelectDesktopTitle Desktop dialogRecordSelectDesktopDescription Record applications running on your desktop (not in a browser window). dialogRecordSelectWebTitle Web Browser dialogRecordSelectWebDescription Record web applications running in a browser window. collPropTBDuplicate Duplicate noData No [TYPE] available. noDataSelected No [TYPE] selected. noFilterSelected No filter selected. noImageSelected No image selected. noEmptyInputsAllowed No empty inputs allowed. noEmptyInputsAllowedSpecific No empty inputs allowed: [TYPE]. emptyMandatoryFields.header Missing data emptyMandatoryFields Fill out all mandatory fields before you continue. onlyNumbersAllowedSpecific Only numbers allowed: [TYPE]. serverErrorOccurred A server error occurred. userAddError Unable to add user errorMultipeRequest The server returned errors in these operations: errorNumber Server Response Code pleaseSelectData Please select: [TYPE]. confirmDeleteOne Do you really want to delete the selected entry? confirmDeleteRecursive Do you really want to delete the selected entry and all entries below? confirmDeleteMany Do you really want to delete the selected [COUNT] entries? confirmDeletePermission Do you really want to remove your selected permissions? confirmDeleteFromRole You are contained in this selection. You want to proceed? confirmEmptyTrash Do you really want to empty the trash? confirmRecordDataDelete This will delete [COUNT] tracking data records. confirmDeleteWorkarea Do you really want to delete the selected workarea "[WORKAREANAME] ([WORKAREAID])"? deleteWorkareaTitle @{perm_wa_delete} inUseDeleteErrorOne Selected entry cannot be deleted because it is used in [COUNT] tasks/transitions. inUseDeleteErrorMany Selected entries cannot be deleted because all or some of them are used in [COUNT] tasks/transitions. searchInAllAvailableContent Searching all available Content. notSavedNothingChanged There is nothing to save. notPublishedAssignment Warning: There is no published version of this object. notSelected Not selected labelSelected Selected labelAvailable Available noneSelected None Selected noneMediaTypeSelectionWarning Warning: No media type found. wrongMediaType Error: The selected file type differs from the existing one. Choose a file of media type [MEDIA_TYPE]. wrongFileExtension Error: The selected file extension differs from the existing one. Choose a file of type [MEDIA_EXT]. wrongMediaTypeReplacement Warning: The selected media type seems to differ from the existing one. Make sure the file is of type [MEDIA_TYPE]. oclock o'clock ID ID parentWtRequiredForDelete You need to edit the parent object first. Choose "OK" to start editing the parent object. autoReturnParentWtAfterDelete Automatically finish editing the parent object after deletion. parentWtNotAvailable The parent object is currently being edited by another user. rememberMyDecision Remember my decision. wf_commit Saved wf_get_wt Editing started wf_return_wt Editing finished wf_assignee Assigned wf_status Status changed wf_set_tag Tag set wf_delete_tag Tag deleted wf_checkin Checked in wf_delete_entity Deleted wf_activate_entity Restored wf_revert Reverted wf_milestone Milestone changed wf_type Task type changed wf_priority Task priority changed wf_targetdate Target date changed wf_workflow Workflow changed tracking_unknown unknown event tracking_tour_play_button play button tracking_tour_stop_button stop button tracking_tour_pause_button pause button tracking_tour_next_button next button tracking_tour_back_button back button tracking_tour_start simulation start tracking_tour_prev simulation previous tracking_tour_stop simulation stop tracking_tour_error simulation error tracking_tour_action_wrong_action wrong action tracking_tour_action_help help tracking_tour_action_goon resume tracking_tour_action_correct_action correct action tracking_lesson_passed_status_passed simulation passed tracking_lesson_passed_status_failed simulation failed tracking_lesson_completed_status_completed simulation completed tracking_lesson_completed_status_incomplete simulation incomplete tracking_tour_load_page simulation load page tracking_tour_jump simulation jump tracking_slide_load book page load tracking_slide_user_action_textbox_open textbox open tracking_slide_user_action_textbox_close textbox close tracking_quiz_information quiz played tracking_tour_sub_start new simulation step tracking_lesson_passed_status sent results tracking_lesson_completed_status sent results tracking_user_action_wrong_action wrong action tracking_user_action_help used help tracking_user_action_correct_action correct action tracking_user_action_goon go on adminQuickAddedMessage [TYPE] [NAME] has been added. wrongLogin Wrong user name and/or password. FulltextSearch Full-Text Search fieldSearch Field Search returnWT Finish Editing sendMailToWatchers Send Mail to Watchers quickAdd Quick Add lastLogin Last login langGUI Interface Language ldapDN LDAP Name langContent Learners language canChangeAuthName can change auth-name mustChangePassword must change password targetDate Target Date effectivePermissions Assigned Permissions assignedNoOne assigned to no-one welcomeMsg Welcome Logout Sign Out percentCompleted % completed percentPassed % passed percentFailed % failed percentStarted % started percentSessionCompleted % attempts completed for this simulation percentSessionPassed % attempts passed for this simulation percentUserCompleted % users completed this simulation percentUserPassed % users passed this simulation trackingReportHeader Reports assetReportHeader Summary distinguishedName Distinguished Name msgBoxTextReallyDelete Do you really want to delete this item? msgBoxTitleUnsavedData Unsaved Data msgBoxTitleConfirmDelete Confirm deletion msgBoxTitleConfirmNotFound Not found msgBoxTextConfirmDelete Are you sure, that you want to delete? msgBoxTextReallyChange Do you really want to change? msgBoxTextReallyDoIt Do you really want to do that? msgBoxTextSaveChanges Do you want to save the changes? openWA Open WA filterPresets Saved filters noFilterPresets No saved filters RetWT Finish Editing HasEntity has object TaskCreated Task entered by FileName File Name adminWaTagNew NewComment New Comment publishThisVersion Publish unpublishThisVersion Unpublish publishedVersion Published wrongTagName You cannot use spaces in tag names. wrongWaId You cannot use spaces in the workarea ID. AllTasks All Tasks MyTasks My Tasks and_or and/or adminUserPasswordDontMatch The both passwords do not match. logoutSuccessful Logout successful. logoutUnsuccessful Logout not successful. noPermission You have no permission to see this information. noRegCodesDefined There are no registration codes defined. boolean_true Yes boolean_false No activeOnly Only Active inactiveOnly Only Inactive MoveItem Move Item cyclesNotAllowed This action would create a cycle. This is not allowed. noValidTrainerInstalled Cannot play back the selected content. \n\nCheck the following conditions:\n- Is a @{TRAINER} installed?\n- Is a @{TRAINER} activated?\n- Is the active @{TRAINER} published? OwnPermissionRemoval Removing own permission(s) OwnRoleRemoval Removing from role PriorityOrder Weighting RestoreTokenHeader Cancel Editing RestoreTokenText The object is currently being edited by another user. Cancelling the editing by another user may cause inconsistency and data loss. Do you really want to cancel the editing? RestoreTokenTextRecursive Cancelling the editing of objects by other users may cause inconsistency and data loss. Do you really want to cancel the editing for all objects? onlineHelp Help RegCode Registration Code registrationAuthUserAvailable [AUTHUSER] is available. registrationAuthUserNotAvailable [AUTHUSER] is not available. Watchers Watchers watchers watchers editWatchers Edit @{Watchers} projectWatcher @{Watchers} (project) otherWatcher @{Watchers} (others) Login Login loginUsername User Name loginPassword Password loginSubmit Log in loginRegister Self-Registration loginPasswordRecovery Forgot password? loginPasswordEmailSubject Request Password loginPasswordEmailText Hello,%0A%0a I forgot my password. Please send me a new one.%0A%0A My user name is: licenseCollaborator @{MANAGER} licenseServerTests Server Tests licensedFeatures Licensed Features installedLicenses Installed Licenses License License invalidLicense Invalid License licenseCreatedFor Created for licenseSignedBy Signed By licenseID License-ID licenseConstraints Constraints licenseFeatures Features licenseAdd Add License licenseDownload Download License licenseDelete Delete License lic_constraint_CREATED Valid from lic_constraint_DNSDOMAIN DNS Domain lic_constraint_DOMAIN Domain lic_constraint_EXPIRES Expires lic_constraint_HOSTNAME Computer name lic_constraint_IP IP Address lic_constraint_MAX_VERSION Max. Version lic_constraint_MAXDURATION Max. Duration lic_constraint_ONLY_VERSION Version lic_constraint_USERNAME User Name lic_constraint_WINDOMAIN Windows Domain lic_constraint_MAX_CONCURRENT_USERS Max. Concurrent Users lic_constraint_MAX_NAMED_USERS Max. Active Users lic_error_licenseConstraints Violated License Constraints lic_error_INVALID_SIG The license signature is not valid. lic_error_NO_ID The license does not have an ID. lic_error_NO_CUSTOMER The license does not contain a customer name. lic_error_NO_SIGTXT The license does not contain a signature text. lic_error_INVALID_FEATURES The license features are not valid. lic_error_NO_CERT The license does not have a certificate. lic_error_INVALID_CERT The license certificate is corrupted. lic_error_INVALID_CERT_SIG The certificate signature is corrupted. lic_error_INVALID_FILE The license file is corrupted. lic_error_CONSTRAINT_CREATED Valid from lic_error_CONSTRAINT_DNSDOMAIN DNS Domain lic_error_CONSTRAINT_DOMAIN Domain lic_error_CONSTRAINT_EXPIRES Expires lic_error_CONSTRAINT_HOSTNAME Computer name lic_error_CONSTRAINT_IP IP Address lic_error_CONSTRAINT_MAX_VERSION Max. Version lic_error_CONSTRAINT_MAXDURATION Max. Duration lic_error_CONSTRAINT_ONLY_VERSION Version lic_error_CONSTRAINT_USERNAME User Name lic_error_CONSTRAINT_WINDOMAIN Windows Domain generalInformation Global pointsPassed Score passed pointsFailed Score failed numAssets Lessons numScored Scored numPassed Passed numFailed Failed numCompleted Completed passedMinimumScore min. (%) passedAverageScore avg. (%) passedMaximumScore max. (%) failedMinimumScore min. (%) failedAverageScore avg. (%) failedMaximumScore max. (%) Overview Overview Asset Asset Assets Assets Course Course target_audience Audience Caption Name Description Description Mode Mode Doc_type Document type Assigned Assigned To Status Status Event Event Events Events User User Users User Groups User Roles OUs Organizational Units Date Date Time Time Title Title EntityCaption Object Title EntityType Object Type Text Text Save Save Identity Identity AuthName User Name GroupRights Group rights Firstname First Name Middlenames Middle Names Lastname Last Name EMail Email Password Password RepeatPassword Repeat Password Phone Phone Active Active SystemRole System Role Name Name Properties Properties Items Items Item Item Order Order Selection Selection Permissions Permissions Tasks Tasks Task Task Progress Progress Id ID UID UID Milestone Milestone Author Author Number Number Priority Task Priority Type Type Created Created Lessons Lessons more More Filter Filter Workarea Workarea Explicit Explicit Dependencies Dependencies Yes Yes No No Delete Delete on on Weight Weight Version Version Versions Versions Revert revert Change change Tag Tag Tags Tags from from German German English English saveFilter Save Filter change Change without All Search Search Roles User Roles Details Details object_name Object Name Role User Role Group User Role UserRole User Role allContent All Content Ou Organizational Unit Entries Entries Versioning Versioning Notification Notification Logging Logging Remote_WA Connected workarea Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Security Security GDPR Data Protection ml_sap_companion Machine Translation Scheduler_d_User Automatic User Deactivation Scheduler_Excel Automatic Microsoft Excel Import Scheduler_LDAP Automatic LDAP Import Settings Setting Comment Comment recursive Include Subobjects Watcher Watcher Tests Tests save_manage... Save/Manage advancedSettings Advanced Settings SearchTerm Search Term SearchIn Search in learnerEmptyTaskList No Tasks to display. MyCourses My courses Courses Courses pleaseChooseCourseOrFilter Please choose a course or use the search functionality to show [LE]. youAreCurrentlySearchingIn Search in global global yes yes no No TargetDate Target Date notStarted not started not_started not started incomplete incomplete completed completed invalid_session_message Your session is invalid. The application will be reloaded. passed passed failed failed Hide Hide Preview Preview NoPreviewImage No Preview Image GUI GUI SSO Single Sign-On TagChange Edit Tags SaveTagChanges save tags SaveTagChangesRec save tags (recursive) VersionRevert Revert Version VersionView Show Version WaActions Actions: Workarea TagActions Actions: Tags actionWaActivate Activate actionWaDeactivate Deactivate actionWaEdit Edit actionWaAddTag Add Tag actionWaDelete Delete actionWaTagEdit Edit Tag actionWaTagDelete Delete Tag actionWaPerm Manage Access actionWaWatchers Watchers actionWaWorkflow Workflow actionWaFetchMeta Get Metadata lastMetadataFetch Last Metadata Retrieval actionWaFetch Get All Data actionWaPurgeFetched Purge Retrieved Data actionWaFeedbackEmail E-Mail tagDialogHeaderEdit Add/Edit Tag tagDialogHeaderAdd Add/Edit Tag selectFromTree Select a tree item in order to show any data. userPreviewInfo Move the mouse over a user to show details. noGroupsToRemoveHeader User roles could not be removed. noGroupsToRemoveMessage Current selection does not allow to remove user roles. remGroupDialogHeader Remove User Roles selectRolesToRemoveMsg Choose the user roles, from which you want to remove the selected users. pleaseChooseTag Choose Tags pleaseChooseOptions Further Options selectedEntity Selected Object selectedIdentity Selected Identity selectedWorkarea Selected Workarea of of Last Last NbrOfSteps Steps assignmentOptions Options assignmentColor Color assignmentWeight Weight assignmentMinimumScore Passed Tests Required (%) assignmentIncludeSearch Allow Search assignmentAllowReport Allow Status View assignmentShowDescription Show Description assignmentTimeRange Date Range assignmentDisplayMethod Display As assignmentDisplayMethod_0 Object Only assignmentDisplayMethod_1 Object and Direct Subobjects assignmentDisplayMethod_2 Object and Subobjects (2 Levels) assignmentDisplayMethod_999 Object and Subobjects assignmentScoringParams Lesson Types assignmentScoringMethod Scoring Method assignmentScoringMethod_info No Scoring assignmentScoringMethod_statistic Usage Counter assignmentScoringMethod_completion Percent Completed assignmentLearningPath Learning Path Mode assignmentLearningPath_off Off assignmentLearningPath_only_avail show only available assignmentLearningPath_all Show All assignmentLearningPathMinComp Minimum Completion (%) errorOccured An error occurred emptySelectMsg No data available. emptyStatusMsg No status available searchResults1 Search results for searchResults2 course targetDateRange Target Date targetDateTill till ATK_ST_dataSetsShown shown datasets ATK_ST_of of showLessonReport Show Status showLessonStandard Show Standard loginQuotaExceeded Login quota has been reached. loginLockout This user is on lockout time. Try to authenticate in: [LOCKOUTTIME] failedandlockout Try to authenticate in: [LOCKOUTTIME] loginPossible You can try to login again. dropRollbackErrorTitle Operation failed dropRollbackErrorText Due to a server communication problem this operation could not be completed. The dragged object is now - most likely - located here: [ORPHANS]. fileDragTitle Choose a file or drag it here. urlInputPlaceholder Enter or paste the URL here. namedUser Active user quota namedUserDialogHeader Active user quota limit has been reached namedUserDialogText The active user quota limit has been reached. Activation of more users is not possible. userGeneralInformation General userActive active userInactive inactive userContactInformation Contact xhrTimeoutHeader The server is not responding xhrTimeoutText The request to the server has timed out.
Please try again later.

[XHR] reportBack back assignment.uid Course Assignment UID assignment.identity_uid Identity UID assignment.identity_name Identity Name assignment.entity_caption Object Title assignment.caption Title assignment.color_code Color code assignment.scoring_method Scoring method assignment.scoring_params Scoring parameters Active assignment.include_in_search Include in Search assignment.allow_lesson_report Allow lesson report assignment.show_description Show description assignment.enforce_subitems_sequence Enforce subitems sequence assignment.date_from Date from assignment.date_to Date to assignment.weight Weight assignment.display_method Display method assignment.minimum_score Minimum score assignment.identity_caption Name of Identity assignment.identity_type Type of Identity assignment.entity_wa_name Name of Workarea assignment.entity_wa_id Workarea UID assignment.entity_uid Object UID assignment.entity_type Object Type restart Restart TimePeriod Time Period Assignment Course Assignment SSO_login_message Alternative: Login with your Single sign-on account. entityLogsSubject Event entityLogsCreated Date / Time entityLogsUser User openIPro Open @{IPRODUCER} openProducer Open @{PRODUCER} connectIPro Connect @{IPRODUCER} Allow Allow shortdesc Short Description startTime Start endTime End durationTime Duration appointmentTime Appointment Time recurrencePattern Recurrence Pattern recurrenceRange Recurrence Range recurrenceTime Time recurrencePatternNone None recurrencePatternDaily Daily recurrencePatternWeekly Weekly recurrencePatternMonthly Monthly recurrencePatternYearly Yearly endsAfter Ends after recurrenceElements recurrence elements noEndDate No end date endDate End date jobDescription Job description jobType Job type job_deactivate_user Deactivate Users All All Day(s) Day(s) Week(s) Week(s) Month(s) Month(s) Year(s) Year(s) day(s) day(s) week(s) week(s) month(s) month(s) year(s) year(s) everyWeekday Every Weekday (Monday-Friday) every/all Every/all week(s)_on week(s) on Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Day Day of_every of Every Month_genitiv Month At On Workday Workday Weekendday Weekend Day pattern_first First pattern_second Second pattern_third Third pattern_fourth Fourth pattern_last Last pattern_in In January January February February March March April April May May June June July July August August September September October October November November December December Every Every error_unknown Unknown error_timeout The requested operation timed out. error_server_down The server is not available. error_wrong_filetype The filetype is wrong. error_unsupported_extension Unsupported extension. error_unsupported_upload Unsupported upload. error_no_writeperm No write permission. error_dangerous_content Cannot insert files of the selected type. error_xcsrf_repeat Execution failed. Please try again. scheduler_job_type_report Saved Report Effective Effective EffectiveUntil until and and ExecuteAtTime Execute at fileUpload_base_ File Upload fileUpload_additional_ Additional Information Print Print cert_dates Course Dates: cert_items Course Items: cert_score Test Score: cert_passed_score Tests passed: cert_completion_score Tests completed: cert_minimum_score Required minimum value: cert_number_of_subitems Total number of lessons: cert_entity_caption Lesson cert_entity_mode Mode cert_entity_type Type of element cert_test_count Number of Attempts cert_title Course Certificate cert_passed_text has successfully passed the course cert_subheading @{SUITE} Online Training cert_footer1 This certificate was created on cert_footer2 with the @{MANAGER_FULL} cert_testnumber Included tests: cert_hint_noprint Set page orientation to landscape before printing. cert_hint_menu (File > Page Setup) cert_hint_checkbox with details cert_details_headers Course Details cert_details_results Results: cert_page_title @{SUITE} certificate cert_print_button @{Print} cert_no_name_warning No name provided. Fill in your name in Settings tab cert_status Completed cert_passed Passed cert_completion_date_title Passing Date: ls_UserInfo User Info ls_UserSettings User Settings buttonClearAll Clear All ls_wa_options Workarea Options ls_auto_return Automatically Finish Editing the Parent Object on Object Deletion ls_auto_acquire Automatically Start Editing the Parent Object on Object Deletion ls_dialog_on_wa_unsaved_changes Show save dialog on moving from an object with unsaved changes ls_clear_all_title Clear All @{ls_UserSettings} ls_clear_all_text All user settings will be deleted ls_us_empty_msg No user settings have been created ls_general_settings General @{ls_UserSettings} ls_general_settings_caption All of your personal settings will be deleted. openFileLinkMessageTitle File Download openFileLinkMessage Your download will be started automatically. If this does not work, click here. openFileLinkHeadline Issues? Maybe this helps you. noJavaInstalledMessage Problem with detecting Java javaDownloadMessage There is an issue with the installation or the configuration of Java. Check your Java installation.
Click here to open the Java download page. to To subject Subject body Body send_me Send me this mail broadcast.saved_msgs Saved Messages broadcastOKDialogHeader @{Broadcast} broadcastOKDialogText The message has been sent exitBroadcastDialogHeader Attention exitBroadcastDialogText Your message has not been sent. Discard your changes? LinkedStatus Linked Status listOfMappedTasks Additional @{Tasks}: all_time All time change... Change Identities Identities start start w_start (@{start}) propSheetWorkflowTab Tasks recursive_select_workflow_dialog Recursive Select Workflow ignore_wf_set Ignore if already set Welcome @{URL} help_SAP_market SAP Support Portal help_SAP_message Create Support Incident help_SAP_market_link help_SAP_message_link help_infocenter_link!GR_F8BA0FC968CD2EB9 help_product_feedback Product Survey help_product_feedback_link Entity Object stat_key Category stat_value Value stat_user_count Registered users stat_user_count_active Active users stat_author_count_permission Number of Users with Edit Permissions stat_learner_count_permission Number of Users with Read Permissions stat_author_count_month Authors Within the Last Month stat_author_count_quarter Authors Within the Last Quarter stat_author_count_year Authors Within the Last Year stat_learner_count_month Learners Within the Last Month stat_learner_count_quarter Learners Within the Last Quarter stat_learner_count_year Learners Within the Last Year stat_producer_usage_count_week @{PRODUCER} Usage Within the Last Week stat_producer_usage_count_month @{PRODUCER} Usage Within the Last Month stat_navigator_usage_count_week @{NAVIGATOR} Usage Within the Last Week stat_ipro_usage_count_week @{IPRODUCER} Usage Within the Last Week stat_navigator_usage_count_month @{NAVIGATOR} Usage Within the Last Month stat_ipro_usage_count_month @{IPRODUCER} Usage Within the Last Month stat_navigator_usage_count_year @{NAVIGATOR} Usage Within the Last Year stat_ipro_usage_count_year @{IPRODUCER} Usage Within the Last Year stat_producer_usage_count_year @{PRODUCER} Usage Within the Last Year stat_irec_usage_count_week @{IREC} Usage Within the Last Week stat_irec_usage_count_month @{IREC} Usage Within the Last Month stat_irec_usage_count_year @{IREC} Usage Within the Last Year stat_highest_amount_of_external_concurrent_connections_last_month Highest Amount of External Concurrent Connections Within the Last Month stat_highest_amount_of_external_concurrent_connections_last_quarter Highest Amount of External Concurrent Connections Within the Last Quarter stat_highest_amount_of_external_concurrent_connections_last_year Highest Amount of External Concurrent Connections Within the Last Year Apply Apply QRCode QR Code buttonQr @{QRCode} urlTooBig URL is too big. Cannot generate a QR code. buttonPrint @{Print} wfedit_appname Graphical Workflow Editor wfedit_initial (Initial) wfedit_status_in_use_no_delete Status cannot be deleted as it is in use. wfedit_new_trans New Transition wfedit_new_wf New Workflow wfedit_unknown_wf_id Unknown Workflow ID wfedit_save_changes Save Changes wfedit_discard_changes Discard Changes wfedit_cancel cancel wfedit_add_status add status wfedit_close There are unsaved changes. wfedit_trans_name_too_long Provided name is too long. wfedit_trans_new_name Enter a new name (max. 50 characters): navigation_recording_settings @{NAVIGATOR}: Authoring Settings navigation_js_settings Authoring Settings navigation_inits Macro Initialization simulation_playback_settings Playback Settings trainer_global @{TRAINER} - Global trainer_book @{BOOKREADER} trainer_lib @{LIBRARY} trainer_demo Demo Mode trainer_uebung Practice Mode trainer_test Test Mode trainer_praxis Concurrent Mode trainer_pres Free Presentation Mode trainer_guided Guided Presentation Mode simulation_fallbacks Macro Fallback Defaults slide_fallbacks Book Page Fallback Defaults simulation_recording_settings Authoring Settings simulation_js_settings Settings simulation_inits Macro Initialization slide_editor_settings Book Page Editor slide_inits Book Page Initialization navigation_playback_settings @{NAVIGATOR}: Playback Settings navigation_fallbacks Macro Fallback Defaults navigation_global @{Navigator} da_settings @{NAVIGATOR} apr_settings Settings trainer_skin @{TRAINER} Standard Style trainer_skin_mobile @{TRAINER} Mobile Style _default Standard _feedback Feedback bold Bold bulb Bulb darkred_border DarkRed Border glassdrops Glassdrops glossy_transparent Glossy Transparent orange_border Orange Border orange_gradient Orange Border with gradient small Small spike45 Spike45 sticky_note Sticky Note edge_bar Edge Bar big_title_bar Big Title Bar decor_1 Decor 1 text_box_shadow Text Box Shadow highlighter Highlighter warning Warning doc_style Documentation Style doc_style_rtl Documentation Style (Right-to-Left) navi_style @{NAVIGATOR} Style text_styles Text Styles hidden Hidden metallic Metallic neutral Neutral book_flat Book Style Flat bpp_doc BPP Document process_guide Process Guide compound_doc Compound Document audit_compliance Audit and Compliance Document hpqc_document HPQC Document job_help Job Help ppt_doc PowerPoint Document standard_doc Standard Document test_sheet Test Sheet training_doc Training Document work_doc Work Document navigator Navigation standard Standard context_assistant Navigation SwapBubbleStyles Replace Bubble Styles replace_pgkeys Replace Page Key Attributes context_preview Context Preview video_export Video Export default Default de-DE German Help (de-DE) en-US English Help (en-US) migrationsupport Migration Support book_doc Compound Document context_export Context Export search_and_replace Context Administration doc_export Publish Documents glossary_tools Glossary Tools import Import master_doc Master Document nimbus_import Nimbus Import reports Reports symbio_import Symbio Import slide_template Book Page Template adminHousekeeping Server Housekeeping capUserPreview User Preview msgUserPreviewPartial There are too many users to preview, showing only a part. all_wa All Workareas logs History Entries sessions Tracking Data versions Object Versions access_stats Access Statistics users Users dialog.changePassword.expiring Your password expires in [COUNT] days and needs to be changed. After that time, your password will be invalidated and your account will become inaccessible. You will need to contact an administrator to reset your password. dialog.changePassword.caption Change Password dialog.changePassword.description Your password has expired. Change your password. dialog.changePassword.old_password Current*: dialog.changePassword.new_password New*: dialog.changePassword.repeat_new_password Repeat*: dialog.changePassword.err.new_pwd New password and repetition do not match. dialog.changePassword.err.old_new_match The new password is the same as the current one. dialog.startListNumberingAt Start At: workflow.Initial Initial workflow.Permission Permission workflow.Description Description book_page_is_template Book page is a template capImportArchive Import Archive capImportFrmWA Import from Other Workarea capImportFrmCALM Import from SAP Cloud ALM capImportFrmCALMError Import from SAP Cloud ALM failed. capExportArchive Export Archive capRevertResources Revert Resources capChooseIdentity Identity Selection capChooseUser User Selection capCircularData Circular Data Found selectWorkarea Select a workarea from the list above. errorInFetch An error occurred while retrieving the content. Please try again. circularDataMsg This activity is not allowed. It is causing circular data. noWAtoImportFrom There are no available workareas that you can use as a source. chooseIdentity.filter Filter: Search chooseIdentity.empty Press ENTER or choose Search to see the results. chooseIdentity.no_results No results capChooseLink Insert Link capInsertImage Insert Image collStartListNumber Set List Numbering Link.CUR Current Object Link.WA Workarea Link.DISK_UPLOAD Upload File Link.TRAINER Action Link.FREE Free Link Link.FREE_VIDEO_URL Video File URL Link.Video.warningTitle Please Confirm Link.Video.warningMsg Please check the video URL. The video file extension is wrong or might not be supported. Do you want to use it anyway? Link.APP_LINK App Link Link.HELP4_API @{XRAY} Action Link.EMBED Embed Link.FREE_VIDEO_URL Video File URL freeVideoLink.dlgh.caption Free Video Link freeVideoLink.dlg.text Insert a link to a video file, for example an MP4 video. Make sure that the video file can be accessed by your users. embedLink.dlg.text Enter your embed code here. embedLink.dlgh.description Insert the embed code here. Make sure that the embedded content can be accessed by your users. embedLink.warningTitle Unsupported Embed Code embedLink.warningMsg The embed code that you provided is not supported. Check that the code contains a